Whois is a service that offers fundamental information about a registered domain, including details about the domain owner, the domain’s availability status, and the Registrar responsible for its registration. It also provides crucial information such as the domain’s registration and expiration dates, along with the nameservers it uses.

ICANN regulations mandate that all domain Registrants maintain accurate and up-to-date contact information to enhance security and mitigate the risk of fraud and identity theft. For more in-depth information about Whois, you can refer to this page.

We provide a Whois Lookup option that allows you to retrieve information associated with a domain. The information available through this lookup varies depending on the specific domain Registry to some extent.

For most generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and new gTLDs, you can expect to find details about the domain’s registrant, registration and expiration dates, and DNS hosting location. However, for most country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), you may need to visit the Registry’s website to access more comprehensive information.

The level of information accessible in a Whois record is contingent on the top-level domain type and the Registrar responsible for managing the domain.

Domain Registrars typically allow their customers to update their domain contact information directly from their accounts, eliminating the need to contact the Registrar’s customer support. Please note that updates to Whois information may take up to 24 hours to propagate.

Some domain Registries offer the option for domain owners to shield certain details in their public Whois records. This is achieved by substituting the Registrant’s data with that of the Registrar or hosting company.

This privacy feature is commonly known as Domain Privacy Protection or domain privacy. For instance, in a user’s public Whois record with domain protection enabled, their personal email address is replaced with an encrypted string like a7b594eb9f5d43c123123c82484363f81.protect@withheldforprivacy.com.

If someone wishes to contact the user, they can send an email to this address, which will be securely redirected to the user’s personal email address.